EIJI Project Bio: We Value Teamwork!

This semester EIJI has a new research team headed by Dorcas Baah, the team leader and research team coordinator. The project currently underway is for a motion on behalf of an incarcerated person charged at an international tribunal. Along with Dorcas Baah, the team consists of senior legal researcher Ipek Attalay, as well as researchers Shy Zvouloun, David Zuther, and Ayah Annab. 

EIJI values collaboration, democracy, and shared responsibility when working together to form an efficient and professional research team. Since the project launch in January, the team has found that their research has not only allowed them to become directly involved in the international justice system but has also has allowed them to individually improve upon their legal skills. Our initiative has already provided resources and valuable work experience to students of various majors and has fulfilled our members through a supportive sense of community and teamwork.

The members of the team are driven, motivated and committed to providing our clients with thoughtful and detailed researched reports. Dorcas Baah, a third-year Law student is a stellar example of the dedication EIJI values. She has a background in International Law and Private International law and currently also studies International law and Criminology of Atrocity at Honours level. She has sophisticated organizational skills, handling the day-to-day running of the research team as well as delegating jobs and conducting deadlines to deliver reports. Dorcas is a team player, fully trusting her fellow research members and effectively delegating responsibilities. She states that the EIJI experience has equipped her with invaluable research skills and leadership abilities. 

Ipek Attalay is a fourth-year Law and International Relations LLB Honours student. Ipek has previous experience working for various Non-Governmental Organisations in the US. She too is an essential part of the research team, coordinating the research reports and combining her legal experience and degree knowledge to engage with the projects. Another Legal researcher Shy Zvouloun, a second-year LLB Law student (Hons) has previously concentrated on International Criminal Law with a focus on genocide, asylum, migration law, and indigenous human rights law. Shy is an integral part of the team regularly collaborating and sharing her ideas with her fellow project members again, exemplifying the importance of teamwork to the EIJI community.

David Zuther is also a second-year LLB student with a special interest in issues relating to public, international or human rights law. He is a new and committed member of the EIJI research team. Lastly, researcher Ayah Annab, a second-year Law and International Relations Student has added tremendously to the structural teamwork of this project. Her degree has led her to find a particular interest in international human rights law which sparked her curiosity to seek and advocate the truth for those unable to access it themselves. 

Overall, our research team’s goal coincides with the overarching ambition of the Edinburgh International Justice Initiative; to aid institutions and clients with credible legal research, to strengthen the international justice system, and provide pro-bono legal research assistance to make a long-lasting difference!

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